Sunday, November 26, 2017

Holy Canoli

Umm kid, I'm going to tell you a story about canoli. There was a guy had his first ever canoli somewhere in Little Italy, and he fell in love for that holy canoli at the first bite. But somehow he wanted to change all of the ingredients in order to make a healthier version of canoli. And then he realized, it won't be the same canoli.

That's the intro about this Canoli Recipe. I've been wanted to make canoli for a long time ago, and finally yesterday I made that holy canoli from the scratch. Even for the canoli shells. It was a long process but trust me, totally worth it. 

I got this recipe from courtesy Alex Guarnaschelli recipe. Ooh and I used grape juice for white wine substitute, because I don't drink. So here's the recipe,


2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup dry white wine ( I used grape juice )

2 cups ricotta cheese, preferably whole milk
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ( I skipped this one)
1/4 teaspoon allspice ( I skipped this one also )
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup small semisweet chocolate chips
1 lemon
1 quart canola oil, for frying
Flour, for rolling
1 egg, lightly beaten, for egg wash
Powdered sugar, for dusting

For the shell dough: In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, sugar and salt. Work the butter pieces into the flour with your fingers until the mixture becomes coarse and sandy. Add the egg yolk and the white wine and mix until it becomes a smooth dough. Spread a piece of plastic wrap on a flat surface and place the dough in the center. Wrap the plastic loosely around it and press the dough to fill the gap. Flattening the dough will mean less rolling later. Let it rest in the fridge for a few minutes while you make the filling.
For the filling: In a medium bowl, whisk the ricotta until smooth. Sift in the powdered sugar, cinnamon and allspice. Mix to blend. In a separate bowl (or in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment), beat the heavy cream until fairly stiff. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold the cream into the ricotta mixture. Stir in the chocolate chips. Lightly zest the exterior of the lemon and stir it into the ricotta. Refrigerate for a half hour to an hour.
To roll and fry the shells: In a medium pot with a heavy bottom, heat the canola oil to 360 degrees F. Meanwhile, sift an even layer of flour on a flat surface. Flour a rolling pin. Roll the dough until it is very thin (about 1/8-inch thick). Cut the dough into fourths and work in small batches. Use any glass or small bowl that has a 3-to-4-inch diameter. Cut rounds, tracing around each one to assure the dough has been fully cut. You should have about 24 circles. Wrap each circle around a cannoli mold. Use a little of the egg wash on the edge of each round to seal it shut and to assure it won't slide or fall off the mold before pressing it closed over the mold. Flare the edges out slightly from the mold. Flaring will allow the oil to penetrate each cannoli shell as they fry. Use a pair of tongs to hold the edge of the mold as you submerge and fry the shell in the oil until crispy, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from the oil, and holding the mold in one had with your tongs, gently grip the shell in your other hand with a kitchen towel and carefully slide it off the mold. Set aside to cool. Repeat with all of the circles.
To fill the cannolis: Just before serving, use a pastry bag without a tip to pipe the ricotta into the cannoli molds. Fill the cannoli shells from both ends so the cream runs through the whole shell. Dust with powdered sugar. Powdered sugar gives that little extra sweetness and added texture to the exterior. It also makes me feel like I have a professional bakery touch in my own home. Serve immediately.

I know it is a very loooong recipe, but trust me it's totally worth it.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Eclairs Recipe

Wow ternyata sudah 4 bulan ngga ngeblog ahaha *tutup muka. Padahal sebenernya seperti biasa gue ngga ada kerjaan. Tapi kok bisa sih ngelupain blog segitu lama. Eh tapi pernah paling parahnya sampe setahun full ditinggalin deng *gawat ;p Makanya sekarang sekalinya ngeblog lagi langsung nulis dua resep aja deh yaa.

Cream puff alias kue soes ini adalah salah satu dari beberapa kue yang pertama kali gue buat waktu awal-awal nikah dulu. Karena almarhum suami gue adalah penggemar berat kue soes. Bener-bener semua jenis kue soes pokoknya. Jadi harus belajar bikin dong ya demi suami. Apalagi di kecamatan ngga ada yang jual yang versi proper nya. Jadilah mulai dari eclair, profiteroles, cream puff dan Paris Brest semuanya deh udah pernah gue bikin jaman dahulu kala itu. Padahal sebenernya gw paling juara malesnya kalo udah disuruh bikin soes haha *kapan lo ngga malesnya Din? ;p 

But the struggle was real. Like sooooo real. Because it wasn't easy to bake due to particular things you have to really be careful and be patient in every steps. Otherwise it will get flat, and omg it was so stressful aaarggh. And when I finally found the perfect recipe from Rachel Allen, I was sooo freakin happy. Because I can finally bake his favorite dessert to perfection, well at least according to his preference lol :p

And honestly after he passed away, I rarely make them anymore because it reminds me of him. But then, I realize I can't stay in the past, because I did for so long. I have to move on to another chapter. Total clean slate. So I dedicated this french delicacies especially for him. May God bless him with lots of cream puffs in Jannah ;)

Untuk filling custardnya, gue pake resep Honeykki yang mana resep aslinya sebenernya pake Earl Grey tapi karna gue lagi gemes pengen bikin semuanya serba thai tea jadi gw ganti pake bubuk thai tea yang merk number one. 

- 3 egg yolks
- 50 grams sugar
- 30 grams cake flour
- 250 ml milk
- 2 teabags tea ( gue pake bubuk thai tea 2sdm) 
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

1. Put sugar and cake flour in a large saucepan. Gradually stir in a small amount of milk, making a smooth paste. Gradually stir in remaining milk mixture until blended. Put vanilla and teabags into the mixture.
2. Put the pan over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and comes to a bubbly.
3. Stir mixture into slightly beaten egg yolks.
4. Return to heat and cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly until it thickens. Remove from the heat immediately. Cool thoroughly. 

Whipped cream
- 200 ml whipping cream
- 2tbs sugar

Steps :
1. Increase mixer speed to medium and begin whipping. For the first several minutes, the cream will be very frothy and bubbly.
Mix the whipping cream just until the cream reaches soft peaks and gradually add the sugar. Continue to mix it until reaches stiff peaks.
2. Fold in the chilled custard into whipped cream. Chill until you are ready to use it.

Kali ini gue agak curang sih sebenernya, karena gue pake eclair yang beli jadi waktu pas nemu di Titan, jadi tinggal bikin filling sama ganache nya aja. Much simpler kaaaan hahaha. Tapi gue tetep masukin resepnya Rachel Allen di bawah kok :) 


Rachel Allen


Choux pastry

  • 100g (3 ½ oz) strong white or plain flour( gue pake tepung cakra kembar)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 150ml (1/4 pint) water
  • 75g (3oz) butter
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 extra egg, beaten - to brush eclairs 

Choux Pastry
  1. Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl and set aside
  2. Place the water and butter in a medium-sized saucepan with high sides (not a low sauté pan) set over a medium-high heat, stirring until the butter melts. Allow the mixture to come to a rolling boil then immediately remove the pan from the heat. Add the flour and salt and beat very well with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes together.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium and replace the saucepan, stirring for 1 minute until the mixture starts to ‘fur’ (slightly stick to the base of the pan). Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 1 minute.
  4. Pour about one-quarter of the beaten egg into the pan and, using the wooden spoon, beat very well. Add a little more egg and beat well again until the mixture comes back together. Continue to add the egg, beating vigorously all the time, until the mixture has softened, is nice and shiny and has a dropping consistency. You may not need to add all the egg or you may need a little extra. If the mixture is too stiff (not enough egg) then the choux pastries will be too heavy, but if the mixture is too wet (too much egg) they will not hold their shape when spooned onto greaseproof paper.
  5. Although the pastry is best used right away, it can be placed in a bowl, covered and chilled for up to 12 hours, until ready to use.


  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F), Gas mark 7. Line a baking tray with parchment paper (not greaseproof paper, as the éclairs may stick when cooked).
  2. Place the dough into a piping bag fitted with the plain 5–8mm (1/4–3/8in) nozzle and pipe into lengths approximately 10cm (4in) long onto the prepared baking tray, spaced about 4cm (1 ½ in) apart to allow for expansion. Use a small wet knife to stop the dough coming out when you have finished piping each éclair.
  3. Brush the éclairs gently with the beaten egg and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 200°C (400°F), Gas mark 6 and continue to cook for a further 15–20 minutes or until the éclairs are puffed up, golden and crisp.
  4. Remove the éclairs from the oven and using a skewer or the tip of a small sharp knife, make a hole in the side or the base of each éclair. Return to the oven and bake for a further 5 minutes to allow the steam to escape. Transfer the éclairs to a wire rack to cool.
  5.  When the éclairs are cool, spoon the custard into a clean piping bag fitted with the small, plain nozzle (or use the same nozzle used for piping the éclairs) and pipe the cream into the éclairs through the hole made by the skewer or knife until they are well filled. 

White Chocolate Ganache
- 100g white chocolate, chopped
- 100ml whipping cream/heavy cream

Steps :
1. Place the chocolate into a medium bowl. Heat the cream in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil, watching very carefully because if it boils for a few seconds, it will boil out of the pot. When the cream has come to a boil, pour over the chopped chocolate, and whisk until smooth.
2. Allow the ganache to cool slightly before dipping the eclairs in. 

Sekarang pada ngerti kan ya kenapa gue dulu malas banget kalo disuruh bikin eclair? Karena prosesnya panjang banget belum lagi peer banget masukin custard nya ke dalam eclair :D Tapi semuanya sepadan dengan hasilnya kok hehe. Selamat mencoba ;)

Roasted Chicken

Sebenernya udah lama sih bikinnya, sekitar 1,5 tahun  yang lalu *LOL tapi belom sempet nulis resepnya alias males. Why oh why although all I have was just time haha. But better late than never right??

So here's the recipe

Resep :
1 ekor Ayam utuh (sekitar 1kg )
1/2 sdm Dried Rosemary
2 sdm minyak zaitun
2 sdm butter
1 buah lemon utuh
2 siung bawang putih 
Garam secukupnya 
Merica secukupnya 

Cara :
- Bumbui ayam dengan garam, merica, Rosemary, dan minyak zaitun
- Geprek bawang putih, masukkan ke dalam badan ayam
- Masukkan lemon utuh ke dalam badan ayam
- Masukkan butter ke dalam kulit ayam agar menghasilkan kulit yang kering
- Tutup ayam yang telah di bumbui dengan Aluminium foil lalu simpan dalam kulkas minimal 30menit agar bumbu meresap ( semalaman lebih baik)
- Panaskan oven 180c
- Panggang ayam dengan Aluminium foil di suhu 180c selama 45menit , lalu lepas aluminum foil dan panggang lagi selama 45menit di suhu 200c

This roast chicken goes along with mashed potato or roasted potato and gravy. But if you typical Indonesian just like me, then a hot bowl of rice and sambal will do too :D

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Ayam Goreng Telur Asin

Oh yes I am freaking good at procrastination hahaha. Karena sesungguhnya niat bikin ayam goreng telur asin ini udah dari berbulan-bulan lamanya, tapi baru sempet diesksekusi hari ini haha. Resepnya  nyontek dari blognya MyFunFoodDiary. Tapi seperti biasa ada beberapa bahan yang gue ganti sesesuai kebutuhan. Resep asli tetep gue tulis di bawah yaa.

Resep Ayam Telur Asin

Bahan :
– 1 ekor ayam, bagi menjadi 12 bagian ( gue pake fillet dada ayam )
– 1 sachet tepung bumbu serbaguna
– 3 atau 4 butir telur asin matang
– 3 sdm mentega
– 1/2 sdm kaldu ayam bubuk ( gue skip )
– 1 sdm gula pasir
– cabe merah
– daun kari (bila tidak ada, dapat diganti dengan daun jeruk)

Cara :
1. Siapkan 1 ekor ayam yang telah dicuci bersih dan dipotong-potong menjadi bagian kecil sesuai selera.
2. Siapkan tepung bumbu serbaguna, bagi ke dalam dua wadah. Satu bagian dibuat menjadi adonan tepung basah, dan sisa tepung yang kering untuk lapisan kedua.
3. Celupkan semua daging ayam ke dalam adonan tepung basah, kemudian pindahkan dan balur di atas tepung bumbu serbaguna yang kering.
4. Goreng semua ayam yang telah dibumbui, masak hingga matang, lalu tiriskan.
5. Belah telur asin yang sudah matang, ambil kuning telurnya saja, dan hancurkan dengan menggunakan sendok.
6. Panaskan wajan anti lengket dengan api sedang, masukkan mentega.
7. Tambahkan kuning telur asin yang telah dihancurkan, dan masak sampai berbuih.
8. Masukkan daging ayam goreng sambil aduk rata + tambahkan kaldu ayam bubuk + gula pasir secukupnya (sesuaikan dengan selera masing-masing) + irisan cabe merah + daun jeruk.
9. Campur semua sampai merata, icip rasa (adjust sesuai selera)
10. Angkat dan sajikan.

Rasanya enaaak apalagi buat penggemar telur asin kaya gue. Dan cara bikinnya pun mudah banget. Seriously, no hassle. Coba kalo tau dari dulu bikinnya gampang, ngga akan beli di restoran deh *pelit haha.

Selamat mencoba ya :)

Monday, July 24, 2017

New York Cheesecake

Walaupun sering banget bikin cheesecake, tapi ternyata gue jarang banget bikin New York Cheesecake. Lebih sering bikin unbaked cheesecake dan Japanese Cheesecake. Terus abis lebaran kemarin, tangan gue gatel karena udah lama ngga baking apalagi ditambah nonton Bake With Anna Olson episode cheesecake. Langsung lah gue nyari resep cheesecake nya Anna Olson di Google. Dan ternyata gampang banget dan my oh my enaaaaak. Ini udah pasti bakal jadi resep andalan. Ooh I know I will always count on you Anna Olson. Kali pertama bikin versi original nya, terus karena nyokap dan gue lebih suka taste chocolate di hampir semua dessert lalu akhirnya gue memodifikasi beberapa bahan di resepnya Anna Olson. Tapi supaya ngga bingung, gue tetep masukin resep aslinya yaa.

Ini dia resepnya,

New York Cheesecake 

Recipe by Anna Olson


  • 180g digestive biscuit crumbs (gue pake marie regal & buat chocolate cheesecake gue pake oreo)
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 100g unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing the pan
  • For the cheesecake
  • 4 250g packs of cream cheese, room temperature
  • 220g, plus 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp cornflour (untuk chocolate cheesecake gue ganti jadi cocoa powder)
  • 2 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp finely grated lemon zest
  • 3 large whole eggs
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 200g sour cream (gue pake whipping cream karena ngga punya sour cream)
  • 2 tsp lemon juice


1. Preheat the oven to 170°C.
2. For the crust, stir the graham crumbs, sugar and melted butter until evenly combined and press this into the bottom of an ungreased 9-inch springform pan. Bake this for 10 minutes, then cool. Brush the sides of the pan with a little melted butter.
3. For the cheesecake, increase the oven temperature to 200°C. Beat the cream cheese until light and fluffy. Add 220g sugar a little at a time, and scraping the sides and bottom of the bowl often. Beat in the cornstarch, vanilla and lemon zest. Beat in the eggs one at a time, on a lower speed, and scraping after each addition, then beat in the yolk. Still on low speed, beat in 3/4 cup of sour cream. Scrape this over the cooled crust.
4. Bake the cheesecake for 10 minutes at 200°C and then reduce the oven temperature to 105°C and bake for 25 more minutes. Turn off the oven, and leave the cheesecake in for an hour, cracking the oven door after 30 minutes. While the cheesecake is baking, prepare the sour cream layer.
5. Stir the remaining sour cream with the remaining 2 tbsp of sugar and the lemon juice. Spread this over the top of the cheesecake as soon as it has come out of the oven. Allow the cheesecake to cool completely to room temperature, then carefully run a spatula around the outside of the cheesecake to loosen it from the pan, then chill the cheesecake for at least 6 hours before slicing and serving.
The cheesecake will keep, refrigerated, for up to 4 days.

Sayangnya gue lupa fotoin original New York cheesecake yang pertama gue bikin, entah kenapa waktu itu lagi ngga mood banget. And I tell you what, that was not me at all. Tapi untungnya kali kedua bikin udah semangat foto-foto lagi hehe. Selamat mencoba yaa, toodles. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Chocolate Lava Cake

Chocolate Lava Cake

As you may know, I am a big fan of desserts. Any kind of dessert. And anytime I want to indulge myself with some chocolatey dessert, this chocolate lava cake is very spoiled me with those sugar and chocolate.

Gue selalu pake resep Chocolate Lava Cake andalan ini, selain fudgy brownie yang udah pernah di post di sini . Resep chocolate lava cake ini dimodifikasi sama mbak Hesti dari resep Chef Gordon Ramsay. And I tell you what, if you're happenned to be a chocolate junkie as I am then you should definitely try this recipe. Because this is one hell of a chocolate dessert ;D

Chocolate Lava Cake
Resep modifikasi Hesti Kitchen

Bahan :
- 100 g good quality of dark chocolate, potong-potong kecil
- 50 g butter
-  50 gr margarin
- 100 g gula halus
- 2 telur utuh + 2 kuning telur
- 85 g terigu protein sedang
- 15 gr coklat bubuk (aku pake bendico, ayak bersama tepung)
- 1/4 sdt garam
- margarin/butter untuk mengoles cetakan
- coklat bubuk untuk dusting cetaka

Cara membuat :
1. Olesi cetakan dengan margarin/butter. Simpan cetakan dalam kulkas sampai membeku. Ulangi lagi mengoles margarin di atas lapisan pertama. Beri coklat bubuk sampai seluruh bagian terkena. Buang sisa coklatnya sambil digoyang-goyangkan.
2. Tim dark chocolate, margarine/butter dan garam sampai meleleh. Aduk rata. Angkat, biarkan dingin selama sekitar 5 menit.
3. Kocok telur, kuning telur dan gula sampai mengembang dan berjejak. Tambahkan tepung perlahan-lahan sambil diaduk sampai rata.
4. Masukkan coklat leleh dalam tiga tahap sambil diaduk rata.
5. Tuang hampir penuh ke dalam cetakan. Simpan di kulkas minimal 20 menit.
6. Panaskan oven 200 C. Masukkan kue ke dalam oven dan panggang sekitar 9 -10 menit sampai permukaannya muncul crust dan pinggirnya sudah mulai terlepas dari cetakan.
7. Angkat. Biarkan 1 menit sebelum ditransfer ke piring saji.
8. Tuang kue ke atas tangan perlahan lalu pindahkan ke piring saji. Berhubung aku memakai cetakan muffin isi 9, kue langsung aku balikkan ke atas piring/talam segi empat besar sehingga seluruh kue lepas baru kemudian kupindahkan ke piring saji.
9. Sajikan segera dengan saus karamel atau es krim /whip krim.  

Catatan : kue ini bisa disimpan sampai satu bulan bersama cetakannya di dalam freezer. Waktu panggang ditambahkan 5 menit apabila dalam keadaan beku. 

Now you know why I gained so much weight lately, not to mention those pimples ;( ahaha I am happy tho'

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Mac and Cheese

Selain lasagna yang udah pernah gw tulis resepnya di sini, mac and cheese juga salah satu makanan favorite gw. Apalagi bikinnya cepet, ya udah pasti cocok buat pemalas kaya gue dong ya ;p And actually this one is the kind of comfort food that just can't go wrong.

So here's the recipe,

Macaroni and Cheese


Bahan 1 :
- macaroni elbow 250 gram
- air mendidih untuk merebus

rebus kurang lebih 5menit sampai al dente

Bahan 2 Cheese Sauce   :
3 sdm butter
3 sdm tepung terigu
500 cc susu plain
150 gram keju cheddar, parut
oregano dan basil secukupnya untuk taburan
25 gram keju parmesan, parut

Lelehkan butter lalu masukkan terigu, aduk rata dengan whisk atau sendok kayu. Kecilkan api lalu tuangi susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk terus. Besarkan lagi apinya, aduk hingga mendidih. Lalu masukkan keju, kecilkan api, aduk hingga keju larut dengan rata. Angkat.
Penyelesaian :
Aduk rata macaroni yang telah direbus dengan cheese sauce, masukkan garam dan merica sesuai selera. Lalu taburi dengan keju mozzarella dan basil & oregano untuk topping. Masukkan ke dalam oven yang sudah terlebih dahulu dipanaskan, lalu panggang dengan suhu 180c selama 25 menit. Mac and cheese siap disajikan 

Anyway, gue sengaja di bagian penyelesain ngga nulis seberapa banyak keju, garam dan merica yang mesti dimasukkin. Karena preferensi orang kan beda-beda ya. Jadi bisa di adjust sesuai selera. Tapi buat referensi aja, gw pake mozzarella untuk topping sebanyak 250 gram, garam 1sdt, dan merica 1/2sdt. Selamat mencoba ya :)

Homemade Burger

Pertama kali belajar bikin beef patty from the scratch dari sekolah masak sekitar setahun yang lalu. Walaupun sebenernya gue bukan penggemar berat burger tapi seneng aja sih setiap belajar hal baru. Dan ternyata rasanya jauh lebih enak daripada burger buatan franchise fast food, selain itu juga lebih sehat karena tentu aja tanpa pengawet dan MSG *my biggest frenemy

Homemade Beef Burger
Dimodifikasi dari resep Jamie Oliver

Bahan :
- Daging giling 500 gram ( gue pake daging import Australia )
- Bawang bombay 1/2, cincang
- Telur utuh 1
- Mustard 
- Garam
- Merica

Cara :
- Tumis bawang bombay yang sudah dicincang hingga harum
- Masukkan bawang bombay yang telah ditumis dan daging giling ke dalam mangkuk besar
- Masukkan mustard, garam dan merica, aduk sampai bumbu merata
- Bagi adonan menjadi 5-6 adonan kecil 
- Bentuk bola, lalu pipihkan
- Diamkan di kulkas selama 30 menit
- Panaskan panci anti lengket dengan minyak zaitun
- Panaskan beef burger selama 5 menit, balik lalu masak selama 5 menit lagi

Buat tambahannya bisa dikasih keju dan sayuran sesuai selera. Waktu pertama kali gue bikin di kelas masak gue tambahin keju cheddar slice, telur setengah matang, lettuce, tomat dan zucchini. Waktu kedua kali pas bikin di rumah, gue pakai keju red cheddar yang cepet meleleh dan cole slaw buat tambahan rasa di burger.

Untuk sides bisa disesuain sama selera masing-masing ya. You can add any kind of salad, french fries, potato wedges or onion rings. Untuk dressing burger nya bisa pake honey mustard, plain mayonnaise, thousand island pokoknya bebas aja. Selamat mencoba :)

The Ultimate Fudgy Brownies

Okay the wait is over. This one is definitely the ultimate brownie. Crisp outside and gooey inside. Just the way I like it. 

As chocolate junkie, I always into chocolate desserts. Chocolate cake, chocolate soufflé, brownie, you name it. And I've been dying to make the fudgy brownie just like the one in Dunkin' Donuts. Setelah melalui banyak percobaan, akhirnya gue nemu resep ini dari buku masak di library sekolah masak, yang isinya tempting semuaaa *drool  

Dan bahkan resepnya ngga pake cooking chocolate lho, tapi jumlah butter yang dipake di resep ini memang cukup banyak. Begitu juga jumlah gulanya. Yah, tipikal resep bule gitu deh yang jumlah gulanya bisa bikin sakit gigi ;D

Resepnya tentu aja gw adjust sesuai selera gw, tapi resep yang gw tulis di bawah resep aslinya kok :)

  check this out,

Fudgy Brownie

Ingredients :
- Unsalted Butter 250 gram
- Sugar 325 gram ( gue pake 220gram)
- Cocoa powder 90 gram, sifted
- All Purpose Flour 4 tbs, sifted 
- Eggs 4
- Baking powder 1/4 tsp ( gue skip )
- A pinch of Salt
- Chocolate chopped/bits 200 gram
- Hazelnuts 125 gram

Steps :
- Preheat the oven to 180 C
- Grease the 23cm square cake tin with butter
- Melt the butter and sugar in a saucepan over low heat. When the butter has melted,  stir to ensure that the sugar has dissolved. And then remove the pan from the heat.
- Sift the cocoa powder, all purpose Flour and baking powder in the large bowl. Add the salt. 
- Make a well in the center, and stir in the melted butter and sugar.
- Then stir in the eggs
- Add chopped toasted hazelnuts and chocolate chopped.
- Lightly stir to combine, then pour it into the prepared square cake tin.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes.
- Remove from the oven and cool in the pan.

Usually I always keep the brownie for rest overnight, but if you're tempted to have a bite then just go for it. Because it is that good ;D

Kalo mau dirubah sesuai selera boleh banget, misalnya kacangnya diganti jadi mede/almond/kenari/pecan. Coklat bits nya juga bisa diganti jadi dark chocolate atau white chocolate. Although milk chocolate suits my palate the most ;) Gue kadang-kadang juga skip chocolate bits sama kacangnya, tapi gue kasih topping nutella atau ovomaltine. Pokoknya bebas berkreasi sesuai selera dan kebutuhan.

Well good luck and enjoy 

Mango Sticky Rice

Dessert yang berasal dari Thailand ini jadi favorite keluarga gue banget.
Duluuu banget sekitar 5-6 tahun yang lalu sebenernya pernah nyoba juga bikin mango sticky rice tapi gagal. Ketannya keras, vla santannya ngga enak. Terus pas bulan puasa tahun lalu waktu lagi kepoin instagram @doyanbaking nemu lagi resep mango sticky rice yang lain. Caranya pun gampang, ketannya cukup dimasak pakai rice cooker aja. And surprisingly, it tastes really good. Ketannya lembut dan wangi.

Mango Sticky Rice

Bahan-bahan :
- Mangga 3 buah ( kupas dan potong panjang) 
- Beras ketan 250 gram ( direndam selama minimal 2 jam) 
- Santan 250 ml ( gue pake santan instan ukuran 125ml lalu dilarutkan dengan air 125ml)
- Garam 1sdt
- Gula pasir 1sdm
- Daun pandan 2 lembar
Vla santan :
- Santan 250 ml
- Gula pasir 1 sdm
- Garam 1sdt
- Maizena 1/2 sdm, dilarutkan dengan sedikit air
- Daun pandan 2 lembar
- Wijen sangrai 2 sdm

Cara :
- Campur beras ketan yang telah direndam dengan santan, gula, garam dan daun pandan lalu masak dengan rice cooker.
- Setelah matang, segera keluarkan dari rice cooker lalu sisihkan.
- Untuk membuat vla santan, campur santan, gula pasir, garam dan daun pandan lalu panaskan dengan api sedang. Jika sudal mulai panas, masukkan maizena yang telah dilarutkan dengan air matang. Masak hingga kental.

Gampang banget kan? Semua orang di rumah ketagihan banget sama si mango sticky rice, sayangnya musim mangga cuma sekali setahun ya jadi ngga bisa sering-sering bikin.

Selamat mencoba :) 

Ayam Woku Belanga

OOH LA LA IT'S BEEN 3 YEARS Okay, easy folks. I've been leaving my blog for a very long time. I finally visited New York in Octo...