Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another Surgery

Yup another surgery. Pheeuw. Actually it happened few days before Lebaran, but I was too lazy slash busy to blog. 'Twas about konka reduction surgery. Doctor said I will keep continue sneeze every single morning, not only because of the allergies but also my konka is bigger than the normal people does. So yes, I did the reduction surgery. But fortunately no reconstruction needed, so no IT WAS NOT NOSE JOB Hahaha :D

Night before the surgery

Nose bleed after the reduction

But a little sad story happened that day. So, I went through surgeries couple times. But this is the first time I cried after the surgery. Not because the surgery or the pain, because it went well Alhamdulillah. But that was because I had a dream about my late husband when I was unconscious. And when I woke up, without him by my side I just literally burst into tears. May you rest in peace dearest husband 

Eid Mubarak

I'm listening to the takbir, and It gives me goosebumps. Because I know It's gonna be my very first idul fitri without my husband. I remember we spend our last lebaran in ER because he had major headache. Didn't know that it will be our last lebaran together.

Maybe it was a signal and i just didn't notice at all. However I do really hope he's  in a very better place right now. Because I know his heart made of gold. For fellow bloggers, have a blast idul fitri with your family and cherish every moment. Because you never know when it will be the last time you see them.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

God's Will

You know you're madly missing someone when you refuse to sleep at night, looking through his pics instead, and shed lot of tears. 


Feeling so crushed that you can only love him from distance. And suddenly all the love ( or sad ) songs you hear reminds you of him. Because you miss him so much, like no other, nothing compares, and it actually hurts. In my case, that "someone" is already gone for good. As much as I want to plan my life, it has such a way to surprising me than the originally planned. It's called God's will. All I can do know is cherish every moments that we shared together. And pray for his best. May he rest in peace. 

Ayam Woku Belanga

OOH LA LA IT'S BEEN 3 YEARS Okay, easy folks. I've been leaving my blog for a very long time. I finally visited New York in Octo...