Monday, November 2, 2015

Shabu Ghin

Jumat lalu gue dan teman-teman JCC Salsa dan Audi lunch bareng di Shabu Ghin di daerah Wolter Mongonsidi. Restoran berkonsep all you can eat ini baru aja buka bulan Oktober ini dan mereka masih promo diskon 50% sampe akhir Oktober, lumayan banget kaaan ;D 

Karena kita dateng pas banget jam makan siang, udah ketauan banget pasti rame secara modis semua alias modal diskon hahaha. Service mereka lumayan bagus sih kalo gue bilang. Kenapa ? Karena selagi kita duduk mengantri, waiter dan waitress nya bawain minuman dingin untuk kita. Tapi karena kita mau save space buat makanan berat jadi kita ngga ambil minumnya hahaha ogah rugi ceritanya ;p Setelah nunggu waiting list kurang lebih setengah jam akhirnya kita dapet duduk juga. 

Ada 3 pilihan shabu set yaitu Special beef 188K, US Premium Beef 238K dan wagyu Beef 235K. Tadinya Audi mau pilih shabu set yang , tapi ternyata satu meja harus pesan shabu set yang akhirnya kita kompak 
pesan shabu set seharga 188K. But in case you wanna try other type of beef from beef package you selected, you can easily order Ala Carte beef add-ons IDR 30k/plate for Special Beef, IDR 50k/plate for US Premium Beef and IDR 80k/plate for Wagyu Beef.
Terus masing-masing pilih kuah kaldu sendiri-sendiri karena kita dikasih hot pot sendiri kaya di shaburi gitu. Pilihan soupnya Original Konbu, Chicken Mizutaki, Spicy Tonyu, Spicy Seafood and Sukiyaki. Gue pilih kuah original konbu, Salsa pesan Spicy Seafood dan Audi pesan sukiyaki. , tapi sayangnya gue ngga nyobain kuahnya mereka jadi ngga bisa ceritain rasanya gimana. 

Sambil nunggu dagingnya dateng, ngga pake lama-lama lagi kita langsung ke bar nya buat ambil condiments dan makanan-makanan lainnya karena cuma dikasih waktu
90menit untuk makan sepuasnya. 

Pilihan makanan dan minumannya kurang lebih sama dengan shaburi, cuma irisan dagingnya slightly lebih tebal.

Gilaaaa kenyang kebangetan gara-gara rakus alias ogah rugi. Emang gue tipenya pemakan banyak tapi ngga bisa disekaligusin jadi ngga cocok makan all you can eat LOL. 

I don't know if there's will be anothe visit in the future since I'm not a big fan of all you can eat, but you definitely should give it a try because their shabu is worth to try.

Shabu Ghin
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No.53
Phone: (+6221) 720 2336
Instagram: @shabughin
Opening time:
Weekday 11.00 – 15.00 & 18.00 – 22.00
Weekend 11.00 – 23.00

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


As you guys know this very popular dessert from Italy, but do you know what Tiramisu means??
It means pick me up in italian. Well as you guys know I'm a huge fan of desserts, of course I baked a lot more daripada masak. Biasanya dulu pas masih tinggal di Cepu, kalo mau bikin tiramisu pasti bikin sponge cake nya dulu karna di kecamatan mana ada yang jual lady finger ciiiin ;) bahan-bahannya aja biasanya beli kalo lagi pulang ke Bogor atau ikut suami dinas. I knooow, gue niat banget kaan?? Yes, sesuka itulah gw sama dessert hahaha

Well after I got baking blues for almost 2 years, sekarang ini mulai rajin lagi baking. Selain ngelancarin tangan, juga supaya ngga terlalu banyak pikiran. Yes, I have trouble sleeping since my husband passed away. May he rest in peace.

Kali ini mau bikin tiramisu yang simple aja, pake lady finger. Dari dulu setiap bikin pasti selalu pake resepnya Natural Cooking Club sih. Well, check this one out

Fatmah Bahalwan
Bahan:250 gr keju mascarpone
300 ml whipping cream
100 gr gula bubuk
½ sdt esens vanilli
4 btr kuning telur
50 gr gula kastor
Bahan lain:
2 sdm kopi instan, cairkan dengan 150 ml air hangat
1 sdm gula pasir
150 ml kahlua/rhum (optional)
20 bh lady finger atau sponge cake coklat 3 lembar ukuran 22x22x3cm
Garnish:Whipped cream dan coklat bubuk secukupnya
Cara membuat:
  1. Kocok sebentar keju mascarpone untuk menghilangkan gumpalannya, sisihkan.
  2. Kocok whipping cream dan gula bubuk hingga kental dan kaku. Sisihkan dalam kulkas agar tidak meleleh.
  3. Kocok kuning telur, gula kastor, dan vanilli hingga kental, lalu lanjutkan mengocok di atas air mendidih (kocok tim) hingga telur hangat. Angkat, teruskan mengocok hingga telur kembali dingin. Matikan mikser.
  4. Keluarkan whipped cream dari dalam kulkas. Masukkan keju mascarphone yg sudah dikocok, aduk rata (atau kocok dengan mixer speed 1), tuangkan pula kocokan kuning telur, aduk hingga rata benar.
  5. Ditempat lain, campur gula, air kopi, dan rhum (bila pakai), aduk rata, sisihkan.
  1. Siapkan loyang bongkar pasang atau gelas saji. Susun lady finger (atau cake coklat sesuai selera) di bagian dasar hingga rata. Perciki dengan cairan kopi hingga lembab. Tuangkan adonan mascarphone, ratakan.
  2. Susun lagi lady finger seperti lapisan bawah, basahi dengan cairan kopi, tuangi lagi dengan adonan mascarphone.
  3. Buat dua atau tiga susun. Paling atas, hias dengan whipped krim, lalu ayakkan coklat bubuk.
  4. Bekukan dalam kulkas selama 4 jam.
Pastikan telur sudah kembali menjadi dingin sebelum mencampurkannya dengan whipped cream dan mascarpone. Suhu hangat akan membuat whipped cream mencair. Jika anda tidak keberatan telur mentah, maka telur tidak perlu ditim.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Cinnamon rolls

Hi it's me again :)

Been craving for baking for so long. After 2 years off, now I'm back. Although it gave me goosebumps, because you know who else got sweettooth other than me? Yup it was my husband. He was an petroleum engineer but he also loved to bake. In fact, he was a better baker than I ever did. Sometimes when he got bored with his job, he baked something sweet. Maybe it was therapeutic for him. Oh God, I really miss him. May he rest in peace.

Okay, back to the baking part real quick before I cry my eyes out. Lately, I realized that cinnamon rolls been so popular. And they brought it to another level, with nutella and ovomaltine fillings. Well, because I'm an old soul lady, so I decided to bake a classic one. With the brown sugar and cinnamon for filling and ooey gooey cream cheese for topping.

After googled many recipes, I choose to use Laura Vitale's recipe. She's been my favorite lately after I watched her cooking show in AFC. But I still love Anna Olson and Martha Stewart more :D 

So here comes the recipe :

Cinnamon Rolls
recipe by Laura Vitale


1 Package of Dry Yeast
¾ cup of Whole Milk
¼ cup of Granulated Sugar
¼ cup of Water, warmed up to 115 degrees
¼ tsp of Vanilla Extract
1 Egg
1 tsp of Salt
¼ cup of Unsalted Butter, melted
4 cups of All Purpose Flour
¼ cup of Melted Butter, to brush over the top before baking

For the Filling,

1/3 cup of Unsalted Butter, at room temperature
¾ cup of Brown Sugar
¼ cup of Granulated Sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp of Ground Cinnamon

For the Glaze,

¼ cup of Cream Cheese, at room temperature
1 Tbsp of Butter, at room temperature
1 1/4 cups of Powdered Sugar
½ tsp of Vanilla Extract
3 to 4 Tbsp of Warm Milk
1) In a small bowl, combine the warm water and 1 tsp of the granulated sugar, sprinkle the yeast over the top and let it sit for about 5 minutes.

2) In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook, mix the egg, milk, salt, sugar and melted butter. Add 2 cups of the flour and the water, vanilla and yeast mixture, mix until its all incorporated and slowly add about 2 more cups of flour. Turn the speed up to medium and let it mix for about 5 to 7 minutes or until you have a smooth dough.

3) Oil a large bowl with some vegetable oil and set aside. Take the dough out of the mixer and pull it together with your hands to form a ball. Place it in the oiled bowl and oil the top of the dough with a little vegetable oil. Cover with plastic wrap and place it in a warm spot to rise for about 2 hours.

4) In a small bowl, mix together the brown sugar, granulated sugar and cinnamon for the filling, set aside.

5) When doubled in size, punch the dough down and roll it out onto a floured surface into a 15x9” rectangle. Spread the soft butter over the top and sprinkle evenly over the sugar and cinnamon mixture.Staring from one of the long ends, tightly roll the dough into a jelly roll form. Cut into 14 to 16 slices (make sure they are even) and place them cut side down in a well buttered 9x13 baking pan. Cover with plastic wrap and let put them back into a warm spot to rise for another 1 ½ hours.

6) Meanwhile preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

7) Once risen, brush them with some melted butter and bake them for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.

8) While the cinnamon rolls cool for a few minutes make the glaze. Mix all the ingredients of the glaze in a bowl except for the milk, once the cream cheese is all mixed, slowly add the milk until you get a runny glaze consistency. Immediately pour the glaze over the cinnamon rolls and enjoy!

If you must know, I kneaded the dough manually by my hands ;) Can you imagine how hard it was? No wonder I got my muscle afterwards LOL. If you have the remaining dough unbake, you can put it in the fridge. But you have to proof the dough 1,5 hour until it raise again before you bake it.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Swedish Meatballs

Iiiih udah lama ngga nulis blog ya, lagi sibuk sih soalnya alias sibuk ngelamun hahahaha :p Sebenernya pengen banget nulis tapi ngga tau deh mood ilang kemana, padahal resep-resep udah numpuk.

Ceritanya pas kapan itu gue belanja daging ke Toko Indoguna deket pasar santa, ya Allah boooook parkiran daerah situ emang ngga pernah sepi yee penuuuuh mulu. Akhirnya parkir agak jauhan, terus jalan kaki ke Indoguna ya lumayan lah itung-itung olahraga. Sampe Indoguna banyak banget tante-tante lagi pada ngeborong belanja daging. Katanya sih si Indoguna ini emang miring harganya dibanding meat shop lain, dan emang udah terkenal dari dulu. Yowes lah gue pun ikutan ngeborong mulai dari wagyu, daging cincang, daging sukiyaki, slinge ox tongue dll ujung-ujungnya sih jadi mahal juga ya kalo banyak gitu hahaha *miris ngegesek kartunya. Padahal belum tau juga sih mau dimasak apaan, yang penting beli dulu aja yakaaan 😉

Pada merhatiin ngga label harga di kemasannya?? Soalnya pas gw upload fotonya di instagram,  temen-temen gue pada komen belanjaan gw mewah. Padahal yang mereka liat harga per kilonya bukan harga per gram yang gue beli 😂 yakaliiiii cyin gw belanja daging juta-juta mendingan beli emas lah yaa hahaha

Sampe rumah yang pertama kali gw bikin yaitu si wagyu nya. Heran deeeh namanya udah wagyu tapi kok pas jadi keras kaya gepuk, padahal cara masaknya udah ngikutin resep-resep macem Jamie Oliver sama Martha stewart. Pas besoknya kelas di JCC gw tanya sama chefnya, ternyata karena daging yang gw beli bukan Premium Cut macem tenderloin,sirloin & rib eye sedangkan yang gw masak bagian rumple. Oalaaah gw pikir semua wagyu sama aja empuk, tau gitu kan ngga gue beli. Percobaan kedua bikin wagyu premium cut Alhamdulillah nyokap suka :)

Besokannya bikin gyutan don, bumbunya simple aja cuma soy sauce kikkoman, minyak wijen sama sedikit gula. Di marinate 15menit, terus di seared di teflon 1menit per sisi. Disajiin sama sunny side up 😋😋

Hari ini bikin swedish meatballs ala ikea , resep aslinya sih pake pork but since I don't eat pork so I only used beef in this recipe. So there you go,

Resep Ikea Swedish Meatballs by Christines Recipe

- 250 g pork
- 250 g daging sapi giling ( karna aku skip pork jadi pake 500g daging sapi giling )
- 1 telur utuh
- 200-300 ml air & cream ( aku pake 100ml air+100ml cream)
- 2,5 sdm bawang bombay( ditumis sampe kuning keemasan)
- 50g tepung roti
- 2 buah kentang rebus yang sudah ditiriskan
- butter untuk sautee
- salt and pepper secukupnya 

Cara :
- Hancurkan kentang rebus sampai halus
- Campur daging giling, telur, kentang yang sudah ditumbuk, tepung, roti air dan cream,garam dan merica dalam satu wadah.
- Bentuk bulat-bulat
- Lelehkan butter di panci anti lengket, masukkan daging sampai berubah warna
- Masukkan ke oven suhu 180c selama 4menit

Note :
- Masukkan air & cream dikira-kira aja ngga perlu terpatok sama resep, karena aku pake 200ml dan hasilnya kurang "ngiket" jatohnya malah jadi kaya patty gitu.
- Sebelum digoreng, masukkan dulu ke kulkas selama 30menit-1jam supaya ngga pecah pas digoreng.

Sauce :
- 1/2 cup half and half ( aku pake 1/4cup air dan 1/4 cream )
- 1 cup kaldu sapi
- 1sdm butter
- 1sdm terigu
- 1/4 sdt kecap asin
- garam & merica secukupnya

- lelehkan butter, masukkan terigu sampai menggumpal
- masukkan kaldu sapi dan kecap asin lalu aduk. Lalu matikan api
- masukkan cream sedikit-sedikit supaya tidak pecah
- bumbui dengan garam & merica

Friday, September 18, 2015


Akhirnya sempet nulis resep lagi padahal ngga sibuk juga sih, cuma males aja hahaha *old habit :p Kali ini bikin risotto, ada bahan yang gue skip sih kaya white wine. Nggak pake substitute segala, cuma dihilangin aja si white wine nya dari resep. But trust me, it still yum though. Kalo kata masterchef sih bikin risotto ini level susahnya medium lah, tapi karena gw belom pernah juga makan risotto jadi gw ngga ngerti juga yang bener itu yang teksturnya kaya gimana sih :p So here's the recipe

Resep Risotto

Bahan :
- 1/4 bawang bombay dicacah
- 2 siung bawang putih dicacah halus
- white wine ( gue ngga pake )
- 1 sdm unsalted butter 
- 1 sdm keju parmesan
- garam & merica secukupnya
- 300 ml kaldu ayam
- 1 cupshort grains rice/arborio rice

Cara :
- Panaskan wajan di atas kompor dengan api kecil. Masukkan minyak zaitun.
- Masukkan bawang bombay dan bawang putih, tumis hingga harum.
- Masukkan beras arborio, aduk hingga warna beras berubah sedikit transparan.
- Masukkan kaldu ayam satu sendok sayur, aduk rata.
- Apabila beras sudah mengembang dan cairan berkurang, masukkan lagi kaldu, merica dan garam secukupnya.
- Jika beras sudah matang, masukkan butter & keju parmesan lalu aduk rata.

Tips :
- Jangan masukkan kaldu sekaligus supaya teksturnya ngga kelembekkan kaya bubur. Cukup masukkan satu sendok sayur kaldu setiap kalinya lalu aduk rata sampai kaldu terserap oleh beras.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Grilled Chicken with Hollandaise Sauce

Dulu pas pertama bikin blog, pereus banget mau nulis resep-resep masakan/snack, terus kenyataannya ??? Alhamdulillah udah 4bulan punya blog tapi belom nulis satu resep pun ahaha...
Maklum deh kebanyakan masuk rumah sakit sama hmmm kalo pake istilah abg sekarang lagi baper alias bawa perasaan :p

Been off cooking and baking for almost 2 years, now I'm back :) Tangan berasa kaku gimanaaa gitu haha. Sebenernya tadinya cuma mau belajar bikin hollandaise sauce nya aja, terus ada dada ayam nganggur yowes lah sekalian dibikin. Si hollandaise ini paling match sama poached egg sih sebenernya, tapi karna susah jadi yaudah lah ya pake ayam aja hahaha ;D

Resep Grilled Chicken
Bahan :
- 1 potong dada ayam, dipotong butterfly ( dilebarin )
- 1/2 sdt garam 
- 1/4 sdt merica 
-  thyme (secukupnya)
- 2 sdm butter / olive oil ( gue pake butter )

Cara :
- Bumbui potongan dada ayam dengan garam, merica dan thyme secukupnya. Diamkan selama 5menit
- Lelehkan butter dengan api kecil, masukkan dada ayam ke penggorengan. Masak setiap sisi kurang lebih 4-5 menit hingga matang.

Resep Hollandaise sauce
Bahan :
- 3 kuning telur
- 1 sdm air perasan lemon 
- 3 sdm mentega
- sejumput garam
- sejumput lada hitam
- sejumput thyme kering
- sejumput parsley yang sudah dicacah halus
- 1 liter air

Cara :
- Masak air hingga mendidih, matikan apinya lalu sisihkan.
- Lelehkan mentega dengan api kecil, matikan api lalu sisihkan -> Asal meleleh aja jangan sampe gosong ya.
- Siapkan mangkuk besi/tahan panas.
- Kocok kuning telur dengan balloon whisk di mangkuk besi/tahan panas, yang di bawahnya berisi air panas -> kaya bikin tiramisu gitu loh di tim telurnya 
- Masukkan lemon juice,kocok sampai mengental.
- Masukkan mentega yang sudah dilelehkan sedikit demi sedikit, sambil diaduk sampai mengental.
- Masukkan garam, lada hitam, thyme. Aduk rata
- Masukkan parsley yag sudah dicacah halus.

Note :
- Jangan terlalu banyak masukin air lemon, nanti jadinya terlalu asam
- Jangan lupa dirasain ya, soalnya selera orang kan beda-beda ada yang suka asin banget ada juga yang ngga suka terlalu asin.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another Surgery

Yup another surgery. Pheeuw. Actually it happened few days before Lebaran, but I was too lazy slash busy to blog. 'Twas about konka reduction surgery. Doctor said I will keep continue sneeze every single morning, not only because of the allergies but also my konka is bigger than the normal people does. So yes, I did the reduction surgery. But fortunately no reconstruction needed, so no IT WAS NOT NOSE JOB Hahaha :D

Night before the surgery

Nose bleed after the reduction

But a little sad story happened that day. So, I went through surgeries couple times. But this is the first time I cried after the surgery. Not because the surgery or the pain, because it went well Alhamdulillah. But that was because I had a dream about my late husband when I was unconscious. And when I woke up, without him by my side I just literally burst into tears. May you rest in peace dearest husband 

Eid Mubarak

I'm listening to the takbir, and It gives me goosebumps. Because I know It's gonna be my very first idul fitri without my husband. I remember we spend our last lebaran in ER because he had major headache. Didn't know that it will be our last lebaran together.

Maybe it was a signal and i just didn't notice at all. However I do really hope he's  in a very better place right now. Because I know his heart made of gold. For fellow bloggers, have a blast idul fitri with your family and cherish every moment. Because you never know when it will be the last time you see them.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

God's Will

You know you're madly missing someone when you refuse to sleep at night, looking through his pics instead, and shed lot of tears. 


Feeling so crushed that you can only love him from distance. And suddenly all the love ( or sad ) songs you hear reminds you of him. Because you miss him so much, like no other, nothing compares, and it actually hurts. In my case, that "someone" is already gone for good. As much as I want to plan my life, it has such a way to surprising me than the originally planned. It's called God's will. All I can do know is cherish every moments that we shared together. And pray for his best. May he rest in peace. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Happy Birthday to You

Met you since I was 17, and you proposed to me only a year later. I was shocked at that moment. But then I knew you are the one. Because I used to feel that I don't belong anywhere, but only in you I found my comfort zone. I love that you secretly had a big giant heart, thoughtful and genuinely loved me. Because I know I wasn't easy to handle. I was sassy, stubborn, mean, selfish, chatty and childish. But you never gave up on me, not even once. We made it through 9years. Through thick and thin.

Bali, our very first honeymoon 2009

Buckingham Palace , 2013

I really want to grow old with you. I want to be together forever with you. But forever is gone. Unfortunately we can't last forever. No words can describe how much I'm missing you.

And now the fact that you're gone it just killing me to the core.

And today is your birthday. It is supposed to be your 33th birthday. I remember that I used to make you birthday cake from time to time.

 I just hope you are at peace now. There's nothing I can do but pray for the best for you. I hope Allah grants you with Jannah, because I know you had a great soul and you were the best husband I could ask for. You were certainly one of a kind. Until we meet again dearest husband, hopefully in a very better place.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ramadhan without you

This is my very first ramadhan without my dearest husband. I wish he was still here with me. I miss him so much till it hurts. I can't explain the pain.

 It just doesn't feel right. It's gonna be a whole new different life from now on. But if somebody else can suffered the pain, maybe I can do it too. It's just about the time. Someday I will move on. But only God knows how and when. Tomorrow is another day. That the sun will go on shining. What I'm feeling is not only completely valid but necessary, because it makes me so much more human. And though I can't promise that I will get better anytime some. But it will, eventually. For now all I can do is take the time. Take all the time I need. You know what they said, time will heal. But here's my advice to all of my blog readers, If you have your loved ones around, please do appreciate them. Because life can change in a blink of eye, so love with all your heart. You may never have that chance anymore.

Ayam Woku Belanga

OOH LA LA IT'S BEEN 3 YEARS Okay, easy folks. I've been leaving my blog for a very long time. I finally visited New York in Octo...